2023 Illinois Economic Impact Report

2023 Illinois Economic Impact Report This report provides an in-depth analysis of the economic impact of Illinois new car and truck dealers on Illinois’ economy. It includes estimates of direct and indirect employment, personal income, and tax collections generated by...

IADA On The Front-Line Fighting For Dealer Rights

IADA On The Front-Line Fighting For Dealer Rights For 103 years, IADA has served dealers throughout the state of Illinois. From Chicago to Carbondale and Quincy to Danville, your State Association works to represent our Illinois dealership industry. Your support...

An Interview with IADA’s Larry Doll on The Crisis Cast

An Interview with IADA’s Larry Doll on Crisis Chat As more EV’s hit the market, the manufacturer vs. auto dealer relationship road is laced with potholes. In this episode, Lissa & Thom dig into the evolution and revolution of electric vehicles. Their guest...