Information About New Warranty Reimbursement Law

Information About New Warranty Reimbursement Law

Information About New Warranty Reimbursement LawIADA and CATA promoted legislation (Public Act 102-232) to increase dealer compensation for warranty repairs will take effect on January 1, 2022.  The following article summarizes the upcoming changes to warranty...

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Benefits of the Franchised Dealer System

Benefits of the Franchised Dealer System

Benefits of the Franchised Dealer SystemThe current franchised new-car dealer model has benefited consumers, manufacturers and local communities for nearly a century. It is supported by both dealers and factories as the best and most efficient way to buy, sell,...

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January 1st Changes

  • Driveaway permit extended to 90 days.
  • $20 Dealer title.

Find an IL Title Number

To access the IL SOS Cyberdrive site and look up an IL title no# for your ERT process, click here.



How Dealerships Can Navigate the Updated FTC Safeguards Rule.